Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I have a feline companion named Cat. Cat’s daily routine is to watch over the house and yard and keep all foreigners away; this includes all the little critters. He is not good at his job but his enthusiasm is top line. Two to three little critters appear in the morning, quite dead, upon the floor next to the bed when I wake. He sleeps with me but like all felines he is extremely independent and walks gingerly around our four dogs.

Please don’t misunderstand me. This is not about Cat. My concern is rather on the small critters he lays on the floor each day.

I was raised in the early 40’s and my childhood memories are of living in a small “beet” shack on my mother’s friend’s farm. This was only for a short while until my father found us a house to live in the nearby town but at the tender age of four I was allowed to cross the dirt road, open the fence, and bring the cow, Bessie, back. I new I was at least eight but my little brother still had to go out to the out house first to chase away those varmints. But I digress.

Uncle Gilbert and Aunt Doll, my mom’s friends lived, in the big house and over the years we would visit them regularly. When my mom was ill my brother, Gene, and I stayed with them for a short time. This was in the late forties and the construction of the home was far from today’s methods.

BUT I do not recall mouse and rat traps, fly traps, felines and canines, etc. Even after moving to town there were none of these creatures. They existed but were considered a part of life. Yes, they are messy and frustrating and can carry disease but they are part of life and what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. We build better homes with almost no air infiltration don’t you think we could allow a mouse or two, a fly or three, a dog, and Cat to roam the structure.

Cat is happy!!!

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